Machine learning

Sourcepoint Machine Learning Lab logo
Sourcepoint’s self-funded Machine Learning Lab was established in January of 2017. As many of our developers have machine learning experience, the goal of this lab is to further improve our knowledge in this field and implement these principles in our current and potential projects. Machine Learning has a vital role in today’s data-rich world and is bound to find implementation in a wide variety of industries. It provides valuable insights for companies which will enable them to make better decisions and effective actions in real time without human interaction. If you are interested in finding out how Machine Learning can boost your business let us know!

We are currently applying machine learning and data science in:

  • Trucking Industry: Weather predictions / Safety alerts / Suggestion of alternative routes
  • FinTech Industry: Fraud detection / Risk analysis / Customer service / Consumer interest patterns / Marketing
  • Marketing & Advertising Industry: Behavioral Targeting / Brand Engagement and Recommendation Engine